Deck Repairs

Why are Annu­al Wood Deck Check-Ups So Important?

If your Mass­a­chu­setts home has a wood deck it prob­a­bly serves as the focal point for many of your family’s out­door activ­i­ties. But even after a few years of expo­sure to weath­er con­di­tions and con­stant use, your deck’s wood can start warp­ing, fad­ing and crack­ing. Mois­ture, sun­light and foot traf­fic com­bine to weak­en your deck’s stairs, rail­ings, joists, and posts; cre­at­ing a recipe for acci­den­tal falls and seri­ous injuries. If you live near the ocean, salt water accel­er­ates the aging process, espe­cial­ly when it comes to met­al screws, nails, and fasteners.

Mass­a­chu­setts Wood Decks are Exposed to These Dam­ag­ing Forces

 Deck Repairs
 Deck Repairs
 Deck Repairs

Due to the water absorb­ing (hygro­scop­ic) nature of wood, every time it rains your structure’s fram­ing and deck­ing retain mois­ture. The clos­er your deck is to the ground, the more mois­ture it absorbs from under­neath. Poor deck ven­ti­la­tion makes it worse, and then one day you notice the ear­ly warn­ing signs of wood rot like mold, mildew, and fun­gus. Mean­while, on top of the deck, while you’re enjoy­ing some Fourth-of-July hot­dogs, the sun’s pow­er­ful UV rays method­i­cal­ly dry out the exposed sur­faces of your wood boards.

Warn­ing Signs Your Aging Wood Deck Needs Repairs

The best way to ensure your wood deck’s appear­ance and longevi­ty is by hav­ing one of our Seal-a-Deck tech­ni­cians look it over. If our tech­ni­cian finds vis­i­ble signs of exces­sive wear, they will point those prob­lem­at­ic deck areas out to you, and then pro­vide a writ­ten esti­mate for our expert deck con­struc­tion and repair services.

Why Trust Us with Your Wood Deck Repairs?

Since 2003, Seal-a-Deck has been pro­vid­ing Mass­a­chu­setts home­own­ers with top-qual­i­ty wood deck check-ups, repairs, and redeck­ing ser­vices. We rou­tine­ly work with all types of deck­ing mate­ri­als, includ­ing soft and hard­woods like cedar, pine, mahogany and Ipe. Dur­ing a deck check-up, one of our expe­ri­enced team mem­bers will care­ful­ly exam­ine the con­di­tion of all these deck components:

  • Posts
  • Stairs
  • Joists
  • Deck­ing and fasteners
  • Pri­va­cy fence
  • Rail­ings
  • Over­all struc­tur­al integrity

While doing so, our deck spe­cial­ist will also clear­ly mark any weak­ened boards that need to be replaced. With a dual focus on your family’s safe­ty and the over­all aes­thet­ic val­ue of your restored deck, we will then explain how our reli­able deck repairs address prob­lem­at­ic areas.

Our Deck Restora­tion Ser­vices Tar­get These Prob­lem­at­ic Areas

Once you’ve decid­ed to place your trust in the pros at Seal-a-Deck, we’ll sched­ule a con­ve­nient time to get start­ed. Backed by an iron­clad, wor­ry-free guar­an­tee, our proven deck repair for­mu­la includes these steps to restore your peace-of-mind:

  • All debris will be prop­er­ly dis­posed of, recy­cled, or re-purposed.
  • Long-last­ing stain­less steel or gal­va­nized fas­ten­ers will be hand select­ed to match the fin­ish of your exist­ing fas­ten­ers as close­ly as possible.
  • Cus­tomized deck stains will be applied to ensure the new wood blends nat­u­ral­ly with exist­ing boards.
  • Our crafts­man­ship, mate­ri­als, and cus­tomer ser­vice will all be of the high­est quality.
  • We will leave your home and yard just like we found them when we first arrived.

Expert Wood Deck Repairs from Check-Up to Completion

Deck Stairs

Whether your deck has two steps or two dozen, it’s no secret that your wood stairs take a beat­ing from foot traf­fic and Moth­er Nature. As a result, they’re usu­al­ly the first part of your deck to show signs of wear-and-tear, like cracked treads and upward cup­ping vis­i­ble on wood edges. As the wood con­tin­ues to shrink and expand from mois­ture and sun­light, nails can start pop­ping up from the boards. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this aging process is irre­versible, which means your stairs’ con­di­tion will only get worse until they’re replaced.

How to Tell When Your Deck Stairs Are No Longer Safe

When your deck stairs have seen bet­ter days, the pros at Seal-a-Deck can replace them with new ones that will blend seam­less­ly into your over­all deck’s appear­ance. If you want to give your deck a style makeover, refresh it’s look by choos­ing from these deck stair options:

  • Closed stairs
  • Con­tem­po­rary stairs
  • Open stringer stairs
  • Tra­di­tion­al stairs

Add Val­ue To Your Home With Cre­ative Deck Stair Designs

Deck Light­ing

Adding some cus­tom-designed deck light­ing is a great way to show­case your deck’s fea­tures at night, while also beef­ing up your home’s secu­ri­ty. At Seal-a-Deck, we can design and install deck light­ing sys­tems for any taste or bud­get, while choos­ing from these light­ing options:

  • Rail light­ing
  • Post light­ing
  • String light­ing
  • Stair light­ing

How Deck Light­ing Improves Your Stairs’ Safe­ty and Aesthetics

Deck Rail­ings

Years of con­stant expo­sure to wind, mois­ture and sun­light can cause wood deck rail­ings to warp, fade and crack. Those weak­ened or rot­ten rail­ings and balus­ters can give way with lit­tle or no warn­ing, result­ing in seri­ous injuries to those who were lean­ing on them for support.

Clas­sic Signs That Your Deck Rail­ings Need Replacing

When you’re ready to replace your old wood rail­ings, Seal-a-Deck can cus­tom design new deck rails for you that will taste­ful­ly match your home exterior’s décor. We install these rail­ing designs:

  • Hor­i­zon­tal, ver­ti­cal or diag­o­nal rails
  • Glass rails
  • PVC rails
  • Met­al rails
  • Stain­less steel cable rails
  • Wood rails

You can also add some curb appeal to your exist­ing deck with accent deck posts guar­an­teed to get noticed at your next cookout!

Deck Rail­ing Ideas To Trans­form Your Home

When a more ele­gant look is your goal, we’d be hap­py to show you some exam­ples of the deck rail light­ing projects that we’ve suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed for sat­is­fied Mass­a­chu­setts homeowners.

Add an Ele­gant Touch to Your Deck Rail­ing with Out­door Lighting

Deck Posts

Your deck posts are very notice­able to onlook­ers, so when they start to fade, warp and crack it quick­ly reduces your deck’s over­all aes­thet­ic val­ue. The posts also sup­port the weight of your entire struc­ture, which means that weak­ened or dam­aged posts also place those using your deck at risk for a seri­ous injury.

How Weak­ened Sup­port Posts Can Quick­ly Threat­en Your Entire Deck

In addi­tion to sol­id wood deck posts, there are oth­er new­er post styles and mate­ri­als that we use at Seal-a-Deck that will improve your deck’s over­all appear­ance and longevi­ty, such as:

  • Accent posts
  • Clad (coat­ed) posts
  • Met­al posts
  • PVC posts

Use These Deck Post Mate­ri­als to Improve Your Deck’s Longevity

Post place­ment either inside or out­side the rim joist changes a deck’s aes­thet­ics and struc­tur­al integri­ty. To top” your deck makeover off, there are numer­ous types of styl­ish deck post cap designs avail­able depend­ing on the post mate­r­i­al you’ve selected.

Ver­sa­tile Deck Post Attach­ment and Post Cap Designs

Porch Repair

Like decks, porch­es need occa­sion­al repairs and main­te­nance to keep them safe and beau­ti­ful. Expo­sure to Mass­a­chu­setts’ harsh win­ter weath­er, the ele­ments, and con­tin­u­ous use can cause dam­age to your porch’s struc­ture. As the wood begins to fade and fail, the dam­age can spread through­out the porch, increas­ing the risk of caus­ing injury and dimin­ish­ing your home’s appearance.

At SEAL-A-DECK, we offer detailed inspec­tions to deter­mine if your porch shows signs of wear and/​or dam­age. We’ll give you a writ­ten esti­mate that helps you under­stand the prob­lems we find and the repairs we sug­gest. Once the job begins, we’ll repair or replace any damaged:

  • Boards
  • Rail­ings
  • Balustrades
  • Columns
  • Posts

Our mate­ri­als are the high­est qual­i­ty and always cho­sen to com­ple­ment your Mass­a­chu­setts home. We can also help you update your porch design as we make our repairs.

Whether you have a small front porch or a large wrap­around fea­ture, our repairs will restore your home’s beau­ty and give you a space you’re proud to own.

Pri­va­cy Walls

Are there windy days when you can’t sit out­side and enjoy your deck? In addi­tion to shield­ing your deck from wind, pri­va­cy walls also reduce out­door noise and block unsight­ly views of your neighbor’s back­yard. If your deck already has pri­va­cy walls, they’re exposed to the same dam­ag­ing forces the rest of your deck is.

That’s why our wood deck ser­vices also include expert eval­u­a­tions, repairs, and replace­ments for pri­va­cy walls and fences. If you’re look­ing to cre­ate the per­fect deck escape, we also do new pri­va­cy wall installations!

Add A Beau­ti­ful Pri­va­cy Wall Design For The Per­fect Out­door Deck

Once you’ve decid­ed to add or replace exist­ing deck pri­va­cy walls, we can help you come up with the ide­al design that will blend seam­less­ly into your exist­ing deck. Here are some of the pri­va­cy wall types that Seal-a-Deck can expert­ly install:

  • Flower box nat­ur­al pri­va­cy walls
  • Lat­tice-framed pri­va­cy walls
  • Lou­vered pri­va­cy walls
  • Shad­ow box pri­va­cy walls

If you’d like to sched­ule a wood deck check-up today, call Seal-a-Deck today at 9785387325, or get a repair esti­mate with­in min­utes using our con­ve­nient Instant Quote fea­ture now!

Ready to get start­ed? Con­tact us or call 9785387325.

Total Rebuilds

At SEAL-A-DECK, we always do our best to restore the struc­ture you already have to save you mon­ey and min­i­mize the incon­ve­nience cre­at­ed by the demands of your project. Some­times, how­ev­er, age, poor con­struc­tion integri­ty, dam­age, and rot can cause prob­lems that are impos­si­ble or too expen­sive to fix. If this is the case for your deck, the safest or most cost-effec­tive solu­tion may be a full rebuild of your deck.

Total deck rebuilds can be a big project, but they also offer the oppor­tu­ni­ty to improve the look and use of your out­door liv­ing space. We’ll work with you to design the per­fect new deck, help­ing you choose the design ele­ments you want most, including:

  • Size
  • Appear­ance, includ­ing mate­ri­als, col­or, shape, and more
  • Rail­ings
  • Stairs
  • Fix­tures
  • Light­ing
  • And more!

If you’ve always want­ed an enclosed space or dreamed of adding an out­door cook­ing area, now is the time to do it!

From start to fin­ish, SEAL-A-DECK will give you con­fi­dence in your deck’s design and con­struc­tion. Your deck will no longer be an eye­sore or safe­ty haz­ard, giv­ing you the free­dom to use and enjoy an out­door space that offers both com­fort and curb appeal.

Ready to do This?

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What Our Customers are Saying

The workmanship was really good, and I am very happy with the service.

Quy Nguyen

Good work and convenient logistics at a good price.

Jeremy England

Seal-A-Deck did an excellent job on my deck. They were responsible, friendly and skilled at their job. Everything was on-time and well done - the deck looks great.

Arnie Harris

I would need a pad of lined paper to take down all my accolades for the job that Seal-A-Deck did on my backyard deck. I have never been the recipient of a construction-restructuring job in which everything went very smoothly, and I felt taken care of at each step in the process. I appreciate that enormously. From beginning to end and even after completion, the courtesy calls, the follow up and the follow through were simply as good as it gets. The power wash and cleaning, the people performing the work, and the product at the end of the process with staining were all as close to perfect as I could have dreamed. I wish Seal-A-Deck could teach their customer service to every company out there!

Linda Brown

Seal-A-Deck did a terrific job. Their work was meticulous, they came when they said they would, they finished on time, the team was polite and professional, and most importantly, the end product looks great. I would recommend them highly.

Cai Von Rumohr

We had several pieces of teak furniture refinished. Very professional, reliable, and qualified. Would use them again in a minute.

Danielle White

Seal-A-Deck is a wonderful company! I would highly recommend using them for your decking needs. I had a deck that needed restoration. They did a fantastic job cleaning, sanding and staining the deck! It looks brand new!

Jim Peptipas

True professionals! Our deck, although fairly new, was not sealed properly by another contractor last year. As a result, we had severe discoloration/mold that left the wood in complete ruin. The Seal-A-Deck crew came in and treated the mold, sanded down and renewed the wood to its original state, and stained it to perfection! Would gladly use them for maintenance for many years to come and strongly recommend them to anyone who needs their deck to shine again.

Chitra Lefevre

We were so happy with the way our deck came out! The color we picked was just right! With so many companies being busy right now, Seal-A-Deck came through and made time for our project. The results were outstanding as shown in the pictures attached. They were quick, efficient, and pleasant to converse with. We cannot thank Seal-A-Deck enough for the work they did!

Stephanie Barbosa

We recently had our deck rebuilt. Everything went smoothly from the time we spoke with Frank to get the design together. We were put on the schedule promptly and kept informed of all details. The finished product was beautiful, and we can't wait to use it. Thank you, Frank, Nicole, Evelyn and the entire team. Fair price and great work.



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