Add Value To Your Home With Creative Deck Stair Designs
When it’s time to repair or replace worn and outdated wood deck stairs, you want them to be safe, attractive and functional. Since outdoor stairs are the entrance to one of your home’s important entertaining areas, an updated stair design can make a dramatic difference in your home’s curb appeal. With help from our professional team here at Seal-a-Deck, you can repair and remodel your deck stairs, and upgrade the value of your home at the same time.
Deck stair treads require the same care and maintenance as your wood deck surface. Over time, wood boards will weather and warp, creating both an eyesore and a potential hazard. Start the repair process with a professional evaluation to assess the state of your decking and stairs. Seal-a-Deck is a leader in deck condition evaluation and repair. Our deck professionals will deliver a full report on all problem areas, and recommend the best solutions.
Once you’re up to speed on necessary repairs, we’ll present you with different options and potential upgrades to this important architectural feature. Seal-a-Deck’s design team offers many creative stair designs, and our design staff will help you choose the right style and details for your home’s architecture.
Closed Deck Stairs
Closed stairs resemble indoor stairs from a traditional home – horizontal stair treads with vertical risers connecting each step and closing all gaps. It’s a clean, finished look that many homeowners prefer, and the risers can be painted to match the railings and trim color of the house for a classic look.

Closed stairs are safer for small children or pets that might accidentally slip through open risers. (Gaps in stair risers are rarely a safety hazard, but they do make some people nervous while climbing because they can see through.) However, the closed design can accumulate leaves and debris, so they require more frequent sweeping. Leaf accumulation can also trap water and cause ice to build up in winter. Keep maintenance in mind when you choose closed deck stairs.
Some local building codes require deck stairs to be closed; it depends on where you live and the size of the staircase. Our professional team checks to make sure whichever design you choose complies with all applicable codes.
Traditional Open Deck Stairs
Traditional open-style deck stairs are easier on the budget, so they’re a popular solution. The open appearance comes from eliminating risers, leaving gaps between the treads that you can see through. This design has an open, airy aesthetic that’s suitable for many casual home designs.

It’s also easier to maintain since leaves and dirt can’t be trapped against stair risers, and a brisk wind keeps them free of leaves. The lack of risers also facilitates runoff, so you’ll reduce ice accumulation on stairs during the winter months.

Open deck stairs may be easier to maintain, but they don’t meet building codes in some localities. Seal-A-Deck stays on top of local building codes to make sure your new stairs will pass inspection.
Open Stringer Deck Stairs
Whether you choose an open or closed design, upgrading your deck stairs gives you the opportunity to improve their architectural design. Open stringer stairs are a simple design that adds impact to your home’s exterior.
An open stringer design may consist of open or closed risers, but the steps extend beyond the sides of the staircase, so the treads aren’t boxed in. It’s a modern look with a wider stepping surface and open feeling.

Modern and Contemporary Deck Stairs
Contemporary staircase designs can be made from a variety of materials, but what they all have in common is a clean, minimalist aesthetic. A modern home can be complemented by an outdoor staircase design that’s streamlined and unobtrusive. Contemporary stairs can add impact to the exterior of an architecturally bland home.
Popular modern stair elements include open stringer designs, steel cables, glass panels, and mixed materials such as aluminum, wood, and synthetic decking.
Closed stairs with boxed sides offer a simple, contemporary solution when paired with modern railing designs.

Creative Landing Designs for Outdoor Stairs
Outdoor deck stairs can be much more than a straight climb down to the yard. Longer staircases are more attractive and easier to climb when they have turns and landings. Expanded landing areas are a great way to add additional guest seating with built-in benches. Steep or hilly approaches to a deck might wind through the landscape, with landings and additional seating areas along the way.
Entrance ways can be accentuated with semi-circular stair landings, split staircases, and decorative lighting.

Seal-A-Deck’s highly qualified staff is experienced in all types of deck repair and upgrade projects. We’ve worked with nearly every architectural style, and use the latest materials and methods. Bring us your ideas, show us your dreams, and we’ll sit down with you to design new deck stairs that add value to both your home and your life. Contact our deck specialists at 1-877-SEALADECK and get started today.