
Frequently Asked Questions


What does SEAL­-A-­DECK do?

SEAL­-A-­DECK restores and maintains natural wood surfaces, including wood decks.

What types of natural wood surfaces do you restore and maintain?

Some of the most common natural wood surfaces that we restore and maintain include wood decks, wood fences, gazebos, garage doors, sheds, playsets, cedar siding, log homes, and teak outdoor furniture.

Do we need to be at home while you’re working on our wood deck?

No one needs to be at home while we’re working on your wood deck. We only require access to outdoor electric and water. We request that pets be kept inside.

Will our plants and flowers be safe while you work on our wood deck?

Yes. All of our wood deck cleaners, restorers, and strippers are eco­-friendly and biodegradable, and do not pose a risk to vegetation. We are always careful to thoroughly rinse away any residue.

Will you remove and replace our grill/deck furniture?

We ask that you remove your grill and furniture from your deck and replace it once your deck has dried. We are available to help remove items from your deck when we begin working, but we do charge an additional fee to replace items once your deck has dried.

Can you also check our deck to see if it needs repairs?

Only structural engineers can provide safety evaluations, however, our team can provide visual inspections and give recommendations. We will evaluate your deck and inspect the deck boards, stairs, railings, and posts to see if any need to be repaired or replaced. All of our repair services are backed by our worry­-free guarantee.

What if my deck is too damaged or deteriorated for restoration to be a worthwhile investment?

If the deck is over 25 years old we highly recommend you replace everything so you are not plagued by constant repairs. Our team can help with planning, designing, and constructing your dream outdoor space.

Deck Treatments

How long will it take to clean and seal our wood deck?

Wood deck cleaning and wood deck sealing are completed on two separate days. On the first day, the entire wood deck surface is power washed with eco-­friendly, biodegradable wood cleaners and restorers. Once the wood has dried, we return within the week to apply a coat of premium quality penetrating oil sealer by hand.

When can we use our newly sealed wood deck again?

You should be able to walk on your newly sealed wood deck within 24 hours. We recommend that you wait 48 hours before returning heavy items, such as grills and furniture, to your deck.

Now that our wood deck has been sealed, how long will it last?

The longevity of the protective finish will vary based on factors including location and environmental conditions. Typically, horizontal surfaces can last up to two years, and vertical surfaces can last up to four years. We also offer a variety of maintenance plans to help protect your deck.

Do you provide a warranty for your wood deck refinishing and wood care services?

We offer a one ­year “no worries” guarantee. We are committed to our customers’ satisfaction.

Get Award-Win­ning Deck Services

My first time with SEAL-A-DECK. They were very effi­cient (quote via cell phone pho­tos) and sched­uled me very quick­ly: my deck and side-stair case were both done with­in a week of accept­ing their con­tract. The col­or is con­sis­tent and amaz­ing. They sand­ed the deck down pri­or to fin­ish­ing it, which none of the oth­er busi­ness­es I spoke with offered. It looks great. I’ll be using these folks again.” — Stephen H., Sharon, MA

Since our found­ing in 2003, SEAL-A-DECK has received ongo­ing acco­lades for our high-qual­i­ty deck­ing ser­vices. We have been fea­tured in lead­ing sites and pub­li­ca­tions includ­ing Angie’s List, Your Home and Lifestyle mag­a­zine, and Home & Gar­den mag­a­zine. SEAL-A-DECK is proud to be rec­og­nized for our out­stand­ing ser­vice, our skill in cre­at­ing unique out­door liv­ing spaces, and our com­mit­ment to pro­vid­ing pre­mi­um, eco-­friend­ly wood deck main­te­nance to our cus­tomers. Curi­ous? Explore SEAL-A-DECK’s com­pa­ny news to learn more.

Best of North Shore 2020: Deck­ing: Read­ers’ Choice

We’re hon­ored to be cho­sen by read­ers as one of Northshore Magazine’s Best of North Shore 2020 win­ners for supe­ri­or deck­ing ser­vices. We love pro­vid­ing North Shore home­own­ers with their dream deck, includ­ing re-deck­ing, new deck build­ing, and deck repair. We look for­ward to serv­ing Northshore mag­a­zine read­ers and their neigh­bors for years to come.


Why Hire Seal-A-Deck

If you’re look­ing for award-win­ning deck­ing ser­vices, SEAL-A-DECK is ready to get to work. We’ll offer a prompt, thor­ough esti­mate of deck­ing repair and ren­o­va­tion ser­vices you need to have the deck you’ve always want­ed. We can rec­om­mend stains and fin­ish­es if you’re look­ing for a change, or match your exist­ing stain. Learn more about our deck financ­ing options and explore our deck­ing ser­vices. When you’re ready to get start­ed, give us a call.

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