Deck Construction

New Con­struc­tions

At SEAL-a-DECK, we’re an eco-friend­ly com­pa­ny that’s strong­ly com­mit­ted to reduc­ing waste and sav­ing mon­ey for our val­ued clients. In sup­port of that com­mit­ment, we pro­vide Mass­a­chu­setts home­own­ers with expert wood deck check-ups, deck repairs, redeck­ing ser­vices, and new deck con­struc­tions. It’s our pol­i­cy to only rec­om­mend a com­plete deck tear out and rebuild as a last resort when, and only when, the exist­ing deck’s sub­struc­ture isn’t in good enough con­di­tion to safe­ly sup­port a new deck.

Which Deck Mate­ri­als are the Most Eco-Friend­ly and Renewable?

If you’re look­ing to add out­door liv­ing space for the first time, Seal-a-Deck can do a new deck con­struc­tion based on your aes­thet­ic, main­te­nance and bud­get goals. And, we always stand firm­ly behind our top-qual­i­ty project out­comes when it comes to mate­ri­als, crafts­man­ship, and fol­low-up. Our team can also help you cus­tom design an out­door liv­ing space that you will tru­ly love while incor­po­rat­ing these excit­ing deck elements:

  • Rail­ings
  • Posts and post caps
  • Light­ing
  • Stairs
  • Pri­va­cy walls
 Deck Construction
 Deck Construction
 Deck Construction


There will be times when a deck’s boards, steps, and rail­ings are too worn out and dam­aged for reg­u­lar deck repairs to be a worth­while invest­ment. But if the exist­ing frame­work is still in good enough con­di­tion to struc­tural­ly sup­port a new deck, instead of a total tear-down and rebuild we usu­al­ly rec­om­mend our redeck­ing ser­vices to get it look­ing and per­form­ing like new again.

Redeck­ing vs. a Total Deck Replace­ment: Which Should I Choose?

If you’ve updat­ed your home’s exte­ri­or in the past few years, a redeck­ing project is also a great way to refresh your tired old deck’s look using a dif­fer­ent mate­r­i­al; result­ing in a brand-new deck for a lot less mon­ey! At Seal-a-Deck, we work with all kinds of wood redeck­ing mate­ri­als, includ­ing pres­sure-treat­ed pine, cedar, mahogany, and Ipe. Or, if you’re look­ing for a deck that’s extreme­ly low-main­te­nance, we can also rebuild using inno­v­a­tive PVC or com­pos­ite deck­ing materials!

Which Type of Deck Mate­r­i­al Should I Use for My Deck Project?

Our Job-Test­ed Redeck­ing Formula

Most exist­ing decks were built with pres­sure-treat­ed pine posts and fram­ing because it resists dry rot, ter­mites and oth­er wood-bor­ing pests very well. As a result, when we’re eval­u­at­ing a deck for redeck­ing pur­pos­es that sub­struc­ture is usu­al­ly still in good shape. At that point we can sim­ply strip down the rest of the deck to its frame­work and rebuild, sav­ing the aver­age home­own­er hun­dreds of dol­lars as opposed to build­ing brand-new.

5 Cre­ative Redeck­ing Ideas Guar­an­teed to Impress Others

Here’s the job-test­ed redeck­ing for­mu­la we use:

1. Once you’ve decid­ed to place your trust in our redeck­ing ser­vices, we will sched­ule a con­ve­nient time to get started.

2. All old deck boards, steps, and rail­ings will then be removed with sur­gi­cal pre­ci­sion to pro­tect your home’s property.

3. Once the deck fram­ing is com­plete­ly exposed, our tech­ni­cian will inspect it care­ful­ly. There may be times when we will need to add some addi­tion­al frame­work or repair the exist­ing sub­struc­ture before we pro­ceed. This becomes nec­es­sary if the fram­ing wasn’t done up to our high safe­ty stan­dards when the deck was orig­i­nal­ly built.

4. When the deck’s frame­work is ready, Seal-a-Deck’s team will start installing the replace­ment deck­ing, while using hid­den fas­ten­ers when­ev­er possible.

5. Once the new deck floor­ing is fin­ished, we will then put in new rail­ings and steps. Seal-a-Deck also expert­ly installs deck pri­va­cy walls, rail light­ing, and dec­o­ra­tive post caps, so ask us to show you some cre­ative design ideas for your home!

6. Once the redeck­ing project is com­plet­ed, you will have the option to sign up for our deck main­te­nance plan. If you choose to do so, Seal-a-Deck will then pro­vide you with a life­time war­ran­ty so that you can enjoy your refur­bished deck wor­ry-free for as long as you own your home!

5 Deck Main­te­nance Tips After Your Deck Project Is Through

Deck Mate­ri­als We Use

Based upon your aes­thet­ic, main­te­nance and bud­get goals, we can install these dif­fer­ent types of deck materials:


If you’re look­ing for a way to com­bine longevi­ty and econ­o­my, pres­sure-treat­ed South­ern Yel­low Pine is a great choice for a wood deck. Pine is easy to stain, holds up well to nor­mal wear-and-tear, and is chem­i­cal­ly treat­ed to resist rot, fun­gus and wood-bor­ing bugs. But not all pine boards are cre­at­ed equal, as cheap­er vari­eties have more knots, uneven grain­ing pat­terns, and a ten­den­cy to twist and shrink because of mois­ture-reten­tion. For that rea­son, at Seal-a-Deck we only use pine deck­ing that’s grad­ed at choice” or above.

How­ev­er, any grade of pine can still crack, warp and split. To pro­long your pine deck’s life and appear­ance rou­tine main­te­nance is required, start­ing with an annu­al pow­er-wash­ing. You should also apply a stain or wood preser­v­a­tive to pine every two to three years to ensure its look and longevi­ty. Over­all, a pres­sure-treat­ed pine deck should last for decades when prop­er­ly maintained.


If you real­ly like the rich, warm look of nat­ur­al wood, cedar is an afford­able option. Cedar slow­ly absorbs mois­ture, which helps keep the boards from twist­ing and warp­ing like cheap­er mate­ri­als. A cedar deck should last up to 20 years, but that lifes­pan can get short­ened when used on ground-lev­el or heav­i­ly shad­ed decks that dry out slow­ly. For it to retain its beau­ti­ful col­or, you should wash and reseal cedar at least every two years with a clear, water-repel­lent wood preservative.

But even when doing so, cedar decks that are over 10 years old tend to start show­ing signs of weath­er­ing. Cedar is also a soft­er wood that can splin­ter or dent when heavy objects, like patio fur­ni­ture or grills, are dragged across its sur­face. Because of its appear­ance, longevi­ty, and price, over­all cedar remains a smart deck investment.


His­tor­i­cal­ly used for home fur­ni­ture and cab­i­netry, mahogany is a hard­wood that’s become pop­u­lar for wood decks because of its knot-free appear­ance, rich hues, and tight grain. Known for its unique col­oration, mahogany varies from a red­dish or pink­ish brown to a deep­er shade of brown. If left unfin­ished, mahogany will nat­u­ral­ly dark­en. To pro­tect its orig­i­nal col­or­ing from weath­er­ing, the wood should be sealed with a good pen­e­trat­ing oil with­in two weeks of instal­la­tion, and then every 12 to 18 months afterward.

Although it’s a bit prici­er than oth­er nat­ur­al wood deck­ing mate­ri­als, home­own­ers we’ve worked with love mahogany because it looks lux­u­ri­ous doesn’t splin­ter, and nat­u­ral­ly resists wood rot. Prop­er­ly main­tained, a mahogany deck can last for 25 years and still look and per­form great!


Raised on plan­ta­tions in South Amer­i­ca, Ipe is a beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al hard­wood known for its trop­i­cal grain vari­a­tions and exot­ic appear­ance. Because of its fine tex­ture and inter­lock­ing grain, Ipe is also very struc­tural­ly strong and resis­tant to fire, scratch­es, ter­mites, and decay. Anoth­er impor­tant fea­ture of this wood, espe­cial­ly for home­own­ers near the ocean, is that it stays slip-resis­tant even when exposed to mois­ture. And, if you like to walk around bare­foot on your deck all sum­mer long, Ipe won’t absorb heat from the sun’s rays!

Ipe boards are known for their deep rich brown col­or­ing, with pieces that often­times have red and amber hues woven with­in. If you want your Ipe deck to retain a dark­er appear­ance, we rec­om­mend seal­ing it every year with a good pen­e­trat­ing wood oil. Because Ipe’s so durable, you can also sim­ply allow it to age, result­ing in a sil­very gray weath­ered look. And although it’s the most expen­sive wood we install, an Ipe deck should eas­i­ly last for 25 years or more.

Best Deck Mate­ri­als to Use When Pests Are a Concern


If you’re in the mar­ket for a deck that’s real­ly low-main­te­nance, a wood-plas­tic com­pos­ite deck may be just what the doc­tor ordered. Made pri­mar­i­ly of wood fibers and recy­cled plas­tic, a com­pos­ite deck vir­tu­al­ly elim­i­nates the annu­al sand­ing, stain­ing, and touch-ups that come with 100% wood prod­ucts. And, as a low-main­te­nance alter­na­tive to all-nat­ur­al wood, com­pos­ites still deliv­er much of the same beau­ty, col­or and grain­ing pat­terns. A com­pos­ite deck will also hold up very well to the var­i­ous weath­er con­di­tions found in New England!

How­ev­er, com­pos­ite decks are not total­ly main­te­nance-free, and a good pow­er-wash­ing is still rec­om­mend­ed every year. This main­ly helps pre­vent mold and mildew, espe­cial­ly in shady, damp regions of your deck. Com­pos­ite mate­ri­als are also more expen­sive and heav­ier than most nat­ur­al woods, and some prod­ucts can start decay­ing because of their wood com­po­nent. To give you a high­er return-on-invest­ment, at Seal-a-Deck we only work with high-qual­i­ty com­pos­ites that are backed by a 25-year warranty.


PVC (polyvinylchlo­ride) is anoth­er extreme­ly durable and vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free mate­r­i­al we install. It’s also very mois­ture and fade-resis­tant, and PVC won’t rot, split or warp even in areas prone to heavy rain­fall or high humid­i­ty. Although PVC is high­ly resis­tant to scratch­es, stains, and mold, it can still show signs of wear-and-tear over the life of the prod­uct. And even though man­u­fac­tur­ers have done a nice job of cap­tur­ing the beau­ty, col­ors and grain­ing pat­terns found in nat­ur­al wood, PVC still can’t match the aes­thet­ics of a wood deck built with some­thing like Ipe or mahogany.

A PVC deck should still be pow­er-washed every spring to remove dust, dirt and oth­er air­borne pol­lu­tants. As the most expen­sive mate­r­i­al we install at Seal-a-Deck, a PVC deck typ­i­cal­ly deliv­ers an excep­tion­al return-on-invest­ment for most home­own­ers because of its unequaled dura­bil­i­ty, ease-of-main­te­nance, and the fact most PVC prod­ucts come with 50-year to life­time warranties!

2 Low-Main­te­nance Deck Mate­ri­als That Also Look Great

For more infor­ma­tion about our deck con­struc­tion ser­vices in Mass­a­chu­setts, or to sched­ule a deck check-up or free esti­mate, call Seal-a-Deck today at 9785387325!

Small Brick Walk­ways and Patios

As you expand your back­yard and out­door liv­ing space, some­times small ele­ments can add the per­fect touch. Brick walk­ways and patios bring both char­ac­ter and tex­ture to your out­door design, bring­ing every ele­ment togeth­er. You can add an extra lev­el of com­fort for mov­ing through your yard or cre­ate an addi­tion­al space for enjoy­ing the out­doors. Best of all, small brick struc­tures are an inex­pen­sive addi­tion to your project, help­ing you com­plete your look with­out strain­ing your bud­get. To start, we’ll deter­mine the best place and pat­tern for your patio or walk­way. Design options include bas­ket weave, run­ning-bond, her­ring­bone, and oth­er pop­u­lar pat­terns. Brick ground struc­tures use spe­cial bricks called pavers, which are less porous and more durable than those you see in walls or fire­places. Since these bricks are placed direct­ly in the ground and exposed to the ele­ments, they are designed to with­stand dam­age caused by mois­ture and use. Pavers are avail­able in mul­ti­ple col­ors and pat­terns, per­fect for find­ing the design you need.

Once we’ve pre­pared and lev­eled the area that will hold your patio or walk­way, we’ll add the pavers you choose to cre­ate a gor­geous addi­tion that can serve as the fin­ish­ing touch to your out­door space.

Deck Design

When build­ing a new deck or redeck­ing your cur­rent space, design is always the first step. If you know exact­ly what you want from your new con­struc­tion, we can make your dream a real­i­ty. If you’re less cer­tain about the final result, we can pro­vide sug­ges­tions, ideas, and even full designs to ensure your new deck fits every expectation.

At SEAL-A-DECK, we start every con­struc­tion project with a brain­storm­ing ses­sion that we refer to as the Dis­cov­ery Call. We want to main­tain total sat­is­fac­tion from the very begin­ning of your project, so we use this call to gath­er infor­ma­tion and pref­er­ences about your deck, including:

  • What you are hop­ing to get out of this new space (entrance, lounge, din­ing space, cook­ing space, etc.)
  • A ball­park bud­get that includes what you want to spend and esti­mat­ed costs for the design you choose

Next, our team will come to your home to meet and go over the space in detail. We will eval­u­ate how the exist­ing design works with your home and space, using this infor­ma­tion to opti­mize our plans.

Every SEAL-A-DECK design is then cre­at­ed and approved by an archi­tect and engi­neer to guar­an­tee aes­thet­ic and struc­tur­al qual­i­ty. Once they have reviewed the design, we eval­u­ate our prod­uct options. We choose our mate­ri­als based on your pref­er­ences and how they work with your design, so you always have the high­est qual­i­ty deck.

Most impor­tant­ly, we take care of all the per­mit­ting need­ed for your project. At SEAL-A-DECK, we build it so you can enjoy it.

You Can Afford Your Dream Deck

Your home isn’t com­plete until you can enjoy it inside and out. SEAL-A-DECK offers flex­i­ble deck financ­ing to help you make your dream deck a reality.

Large out-of-pock­et costs can be an obsta­cle, espe­cial­ly when deck main­te­nance and repairs are unplanned or unexpected.

At SEAL-A-DECK, we believe every home­own­er and fam­i­ly deserve the chance to add or restore a beau­ti­ful out­door area to their home. If you:

  • Don’t have cash on hand for an exten­sive home project, but need it done now.
  • Need a trust­ed part­ner to help your dream deck project hap­pen with­out up-front, out-of-pock­et costs.

You don’t have to put off vital deck main­te­nance any longer. SEAL-A-DECK is here to help. We offer flex­i­ble, cus­tomized deck financ­ing ser­vices to help you achieve and afford your dream out­door liv­ing area.

Who’s Eli­gi­ble for Deck Financing?

SEAL-A-DECK offers our afford­able deck financ­ing plans to qual­i­fied home­own­ers in Mass­a­chu­setts (Boston, Metro West, North Shore, South Shore, Cape Cod), south­ern New Hamp­shire, and Rhode Island.

What are Your Deck Financ­ing Options?

We offer eli­gi­ble home­own­ers two deck financ­ing options for their convenience:

Low Month­ly Payments 12 Months No Interest/​No Payments
Pay­ing for an entire deck project at once is rarely fea­si­ble. At $99 per month, this financ­ing plan makes pay­ing for your dream deck sim­ple and practical. If your deck main­te­nance can’t wait, don’t risk it. Apply for 12 months no interest/​no pay­ments financ­ing to get deck projects done with­out hav­ing to pay right away.

Depend­ing on your needs and eli­gi­bil­i­ty, you may be able to begin deck instal­la­tion or remod­el­ing with a $0 down payment.

How Do I Apply for Deck Financing?

Apply­ing for financ­ing with SEAL-A-DECK is easy.

  1. Start Your Appli­ca­tion Now: Access the financ­ing appli­ca­tion on our easy-to-use web por­tal. It only takes a few min­utes to complete.
  2. Review Your Options: Our sys­tem will instant­ly rec­om­mend financ­ing options based on your application.
  3. Choose Your Plan: Select the deck financ­ing option most con­ve­nient for you.
  4. Com­plete Your Con­sul­ta­tion: Togeth­er, we’ll review your financ­ing plan to make sure it is the best option for your needs and project goals.
  5. Start Your Project: After our con­sul­ta­tion, we’re ready to begin your deck build or remodel.

Have ques­tions about your appli­ca­tion? Con­tact the SEAL-A-DECK team. We’ll do what­ev­er we can to help you make an informed deci­sion about your deck financing.

Get the Deck You Deserve

Adding a deck or out­door liv­ing space to your home:

  • Improves Aes­thet­ics: Rich wood fin­ish­es, detailed crafts­man­ship, and spa­cious seat­ing will make for a more beau­ti­ful home or backyard.
  • Adds Val­ue: If you are plan­ning to sell or rent your prop­er­ty, a new­ly built, refin­ished, or remod­eled deck will add val­ue and appeal for prospec­tive buy­ers and tenants.
  • Brings New Expe­ri­ences: Decks are a safe, relax­ing way to enjoy the New Eng­land out­doors with your fam­i­ly and friends. Build­ing a new deck means you can make new mem­o­ries dur­ing the cher­ished time you spend together.

SEAL-A-DECK pro­vides trust­ed deck build­ing, stain­ing, main­te­nance, and remod­el­ing ser­vices to improve your home’s curb appeal and enhance prop­er­ty val­ue. We’ll cus­tomize your project to stay true to your style and taste, so you can rest easy know­ing you’ll have a one-of-a-kind out­door liv­ing space where you and your fam­i­ly can slow down, relax, and enjoy the world around you.

Cre­ate or restore a com­fort­able retreat right out­side your door. Con­tact SEAL-A-DECK with your ques­tions, or get an instant deck project esti­mate now. We’re ready to get to work!

Design Your Smart Deck

We do the work so you can enjoy your deck sooner and at a lower cost!


Very Little Waste









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What Our Customers are Saying

The workmanship was really good, and I am very happy with the service.

Quy Nguyen

Good work and convenient logistics at a good price.

Jeremy England

Seal-A-Deck did an excellent job on my deck. They were responsible, friendly and skilled at their job. Everything was on-time and well done - the deck looks great.

Arnie Harris

I would need a pad of lined paper to take down all my accolades for the job that Seal-A-Deck did on my backyard deck. I have never been the recipient of a construction-restructuring job in which everything went very smoothly, and I felt taken care of at each step in the process. I appreciate that enormously. From beginning to end and even after completion, the courtesy calls, the follow up and the follow through were simply as good as it gets. The power wash and cleaning, the people performing the work, and the product at the end of the process with staining were all as close to perfect as I could have dreamed. I wish Seal-A-Deck could teach their customer service to every company out there!

Linda Brown

Seal-A-Deck did a terrific job. Their work was meticulous, they came when they said they would, they finished on time, the team was polite and professional, and most importantly, the end product looks great. I would recommend them highly.

Cai Von Rumohr

We had several pieces of teak furniture refinished. Very professional, reliable, and qualified. Would use them again in a minute.

Danielle White

Seal-A-Deck is a wonderful company! I would highly recommend using them for your decking needs. I had a deck that needed restoration. They did a fantastic job cleaning, sanding and staining the deck! It looks brand new!

Jim Peptipas

True professionals! Our deck, although fairly new, was not sealed properly by another contractor last year. As a result, we had severe discoloration/mold that left the wood in complete ruin. The Seal-A-Deck crew came in and treated the mold, sanded down and renewed the wood to its original state, and stained it to perfection! Would gladly use them for maintenance for many years to come and strongly recommend them to anyone who needs their deck to shine again.

Chitra Lefevre

We were so happy with the way our deck came out! The color we picked was just right! With so many companies being busy right now, Seal-A-Deck came through and made time for our project. The results were outstanding as shown in the pictures attached. They were quick, efficient, and pleasant to converse with. We cannot thank Seal-A-Deck enough for the work they did!

Stephanie Barbosa

We recently had our deck rebuilt. Everything went smoothly from the time we spoke with Frank to get the design together. We were put on the schedule promptly and kept informed of all details. The finished product was beautiful, and we can't wait to use it. Thank you, Frank, Nicole, Evelyn and the entire team. Fair price and great work.



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