Privacy Policy

This page describes the pri­va­cy prac­tices for Seal-a-Decks web­site: sealadeck​.com. It pro­vides the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion for you:

  • What per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion is col­lect­ed through our web­site, how we use it, and with whom we share it.
  • The lev­el of con­trol you have over what is shared.
  • A notice about out­side links pro­vid­ed on our website.
  • The secu­ri­ty mea­sures we use to make sure your infor­ma­tion is not misused.
  • Instruc­tions for how to cor­rect incor­rect information.

Infor­ma­tion Col­lec­tion, Use, and Sharing

We are the sole own­ers of the infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed on this site. The only infor­ma­tion we col­lect is what is vol­un­tar­i­ly giv­en to us by you — either through our online forms, email, phone, or in per­son. We will not sell, give, rent, or dis­trib­ute this infor­ma­tion to any third par­ty — oth­er than the infor­ma­tion required in order to ful­fill your request.

Unless you ask us not to, we may use your email to con­tact you in the future about spe­cial deals, new ser­vices, or changes to our pri­va­cy policy.

Your Access to and Con­trol Over Information

If you wish, you may con­tact us (via phone or email pro­vid­ed at the bot­tom of this page) and do any of the following:

  • See what infor­ma­tion we have about you.
  • Change or cor­rect infor­ma­tion we have about you.
  • Have us delete any data we have about you.
  • Express any con­cern you have about our use of your information.


We take pre­cau­tions to pro­tect your information.

In order to ensure your infor­ma­tion is secure, we do not record or col­lect sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion (such as cred­it card data), through our web­site. Any sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by you in per­son or over the phone is care­ful­ly used. Only employ­ees who need the infor­ma­tion to per­form a spe­cif­ic job (for exam­ple, billing or cus­tomer ser­vice) are grant­ed access to per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able information.


Please be aware that some pages on our web­site con­tains links to oth­er sites. We are not respon­si­ble for the con­tent or pri­va­cy prac­tices of those web­site. We encour­age our users to be care­ful when they leave our site and to read the pri­va­cy state­ments of any oth­er site that col­lects per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able information.

If you feel that we are not abid­ing by this pri­va­cy pol­i­cy, you should con­tact us imme­di­ate­ly via tele­phone at 978.538.7325.

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Trusted. Certified. Reliable.

Best of North Shore Winner for SIX Consecutive Years

Our Process

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Review Project, Budget and Schedule

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Free Estimate, as Requested with a professional

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Professional and quality craftsmanship

Professional and quality craftsmanship

Full access

Full access to a team of professionals

Everything is included

Everything is included except the house

What Our Customers are Saying

The workmanship was really good, and I am very happy with the service.

Quy Nguyen

Good work and convenient logistics at a good price.

Jeremy England

Seal-A-Deck did an excellent job on my deck. They were responsible, friendly and skilled at their job. Everything was on-time and well done - the deck looks great.

Arnie Harris

I would need a pad of lined paper to take down all my accolades for the job that Seal-A-Deck did on my backyard deck. I have never been the recipient of a construction-restructuring job in which everything went very smoothly, and I felt taken care of at each step in the process. I appreciate that enormously. From beginning to end and even after completion, the courtesy calls, the follow up and the follow through were simply as good as it gets. The power wash and cleaning, the people performing the work, and the product at the end of the process with staining were all as close to perfect as I could have dreamed. I wish Seal-A-Deck could teach their customer service to every company out there!

Linda Brown

Seal-A-Deck did a terrific job. Their work was meticulous, they came when they said they would, they finished on time, the team was polite and professional, and most importantly, the end product looks great. I would recommend them highly.

Cai Von Rumohr

We had several pieces of teak furniture refinished. Very professional, reliable, and qualified. Would use them again in a minute.

Danielle White

Seal-A-Deck is a wonderful company! I would highly recommend using them for your decking needs. I had a deck that needed restoration. They did a fantastic job cleaning, sanding and staining the deck! It looks brand new!

Jim Peptipas

True professionals! Our deck, although fairly new, was not sealed properly by another contractor last year. As a result, we had severe discoloration/mold that left the wood in complete ruin. The Seal-A-Deck crew came in and treated the mold, sanded down and renewed the wood to its original state, and stained it to perfection! Would gladly use them for maintenance for many years to come and strongly recommend them to anyone who needs their deck to shine again.

Chitra Lefevre

We were so happy with the way our deck came out! The color we picked was just right! With so many companies being busy right now, Seal-A-Deck came through and made time for our project. The results were outstanding as shown in the pictures attached. They were quick, efficient, and pleasant to converse with. We cannot thank Seal-A-Deck enough for the work they did!

Stephanie Barbosa

We recently had our deck rebuilt. Everything went smoothly from the time we spoke with Frank to get the design together. We were put on the schedule promptly and kept informed of all details. The finished product was beautiful, and we can't wait to use it. Thank you, Frank, Nicole, Evelyn and the entire team. Fair price and great work.



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