Why You Should Be Glad You Treated Your Deck This Past Year

 Why You Should Be Glad You Treated Your Deck This Past Year

When it comes to main­tain­ing your wood deck and prepar­ing it for the cold New Eng­land win­ter, a treat­ment ser­vice is like your insur­ance pol­i­cy. Treat­ing your deck helps it to with­stand any exces­sive snow and ice, just like the kind we see every year. SEAL-A-DECK wants to work with you year-round to keep your deck in its best con­di­tion. If you have had a wood deck treat­ment this year you’ll be glad to know that you are pre­pared and can most like­ly avoid these dis­as­trous issues.

Safe­ty First

If you’ve had a deck treat­ment this past year that also means you’ve had a thor­ough inspec­tion with repairs. Your proac­tive stance of car­ing for your deck will mat­ter most when Moth­er Nature brings snow­storms this win­ter. Pri­or to your treat­ment, a SEAL-A-DECK expert will eval­u­ate your deck lev­el of wear and will choose the appro­pri­ate lev­el of ser­vice. Even the most splin­tered and decayed areas of your deck can be repaired dur­ing this ser­vice. Hav­ing these issues addressed pri­or to the freez­ing weath­er means that you are sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduc­ing the safe­ty haz­ards for your fam­i­ly through­out the year. If you have had deck­ing treat­ment this past year, your out­door liv­ing space is in good shape to with­stand the cold and your fam­i­ly can feel safe through­out the season.

Freeze-Thaw Dam­age

Just like any porous mate­r­i­al, the freeze-thaw cycle can wreak hav­oc on your wood deck. The col­lec­tion of water in your wood means that as the tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­ates, your deck will expand and con­tract. The more water that’s able to pen­e­trate the sur­face, the more move­ment will occur. A deck­ing treat­ment is a way to clean, con­di­tion, and seal off your wood so that it can pro­tect itself from ice. Your deck will have been built with spac­ing to accom­mo­date this move­ment, but even the most expert­ly exe­cut­ed con­struc­tion will fail if not prop­er­ly cared for. If you have had your deck­ing treat­ments as sug­gest­ed, you can feel com­fort in know­ing that ice and snow will not cause mas­sive shifts in the wood decking.

Main­tain­ing the Good

The great thing about decks is that you can use them even through­out the win­ter months with the instal­la­tion of appro­pri­ate cov­ers and heat­ing fea­tures. Treat­ment will allow your deck to be a peace­ful oasis for you even in the freez­ing tem­per­a­tures. Clean­ing, con­di­tion­ing, and seal­ing your wood helps it to main­tain its dura­bil­i­ty and beau­ty (even if it will be cov­ered under­neath snow). This process helps you to be able to enjoy your deck as soon as it thaws in the spring­time as well. You won’t have to fret about what you might find come time for warmer weather.

Get Expert Advice 

If it is not active­ly snow­ing, a SEAL-A-DECK pro can help you get treat­ment before the worst of the win­ter arrives. We will com­plete a thor­ough inspec­tion and rec­om­mend ser­vices that will make cer­tain that your deck makes it through the New Eng­land win­ter. Give us a call today at 877-SEALADECK for a free estimate.


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