Small Changes That Leave a Large Impact

Are you looking to revamp your outdoor space but aren’t sure how? These small changes will give a large impact to the look and style of your deck, and best of all, we can help you install them during your maintenance!

Copper Post Tops

Copper is beautiful, especially on teak or dark oak decks. It also looks amazing on dark solid color decks and gives an elegant look to the tops of rail posts. This simple and affordable add-on will change the whole look of your deck.

Solar Light Post Caps

Add lights to your rail tops to light up the deck at night. Not only does this help to add outdoor lighting, but it’s a beautiful addition. Adding them to the railings going down a flight of stairs also increases nighttime safety. If your deck is in an area with a lot of direct sunlight, solar powered lights are the way to go.

Cedar Post Caps

Cedar post caps add a traditional look to any deck. They come in a variety of shapes and designs and can be stained to match your deck. These are a great option if you’re looking to keep the deck all wood (no copper/metal) and would like an exact match in color and texture.

Decorative Glass Post Caps

These caps aren’t your typical post tops. They’re made completely of glass and are very decorative. Some are solid color, while others are mosaic or patterned, and they come in many colors and styles. This is a great option for someone who enjoys something different and wants to add a little pop to their deck.


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