No Garden? No problem! These plants will thrive in pots on your deck!

Have you always wanted to garden but haven’t found the time, or perhaps you don’t have the space? Summer and the beginning of fall are perfect for fresh herbs and vegetables, and what more convenient way to use them than to grow them yourself. If space is an issue, or you just aren’t keen on extensive gardening, you can grow them right on your deck! Here’s a few of our favorite things to grow on your deck or patio, as well as some helpful tips, and recipes of course!


Who doesn’t love mojitos in the summer? Fresh mint is delicious in drinks and food recipes, and is simple to grow at home. Mint grows best in a pot, making it perfect for planting on a deck. Pick the fresh herbs whenever you are in need!

Mojito Recipe


Fresh pesto is amazing year-round, and it just got even better by using your own basil! Grow basil right in a small pot on your deck, but be sure to water it. These are thirsty plants and will grow fast if taken care of properly.

Basil Pesto Recipe

Cherry Tomatoes

Throw these in your salad, or grill them to pair with dinner. Cherry tomatoes grow fast which makes them an easy, and delicious, deck plant. Be sure to put up a trellis for them to climb, but planting them in a pot makes them easy to water. Tomato, mozzarella and basil skewer anyone?

Grilled Cherry Tomato Skewer Recipe

Green Beans

Green beans are simple to grow, but make sure that you’re growing bush beans. These plants grow to about 1-2 feet, and again, you’ll need a trellis. Pole beans grow to 5-6 feet, which most gardeners won’t want to keep on their deck.

Green Bean Salad Recipe

Feel free to combine a couple of plants in one large container, but be sure that there is enough space between the plants so that each can grow and thrive on its own! Also keep in mind that they will grow in width and height, so be sure to allow for that space. Potting soil tends to dry out quickly, so be sure to water your plants on those extra sunny summer days. Most herb plants can be moved indoors for the winter, allowing you to enjoy them year-round. Just keep them near a window!


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