New Home? How to Make Sure Your Deck Reinforcement Is Up-to-date Before a Big Snowstorm

 New Home? How to Make Sure Your Deck Reinforcement Is Up-to-date Before a Big Snowstorm

Is your fam­i­ly in a new home in New Eng­land this hol­i­day? Does that new home have a deck? If the answer to both of these ques­tions is yes” to both of those ques­tions, the experts at SEAL-A-DECK want to help you take care of your invest­ment. What you do ahead of the big snow­storms will deter­mine how many years you can get out of your wood deck. Here are a few of our best tips for mak­ing sure your deck has the rein­force­ment it needs before the harsh win­ter weath­er strikes.

Get an Inspection

We’re sure that you got a home inspec­tion pri­or to the final pur­chase of your home, but this does not always include your out­side struc­tures, like decks and patios. Our experts high­ly sug­gest call­ing in pro­fes­sion­als not long after your pur­chase to check over your deck and its sub­struc­ture. A 100-point inspec­tion can help you see what’s been done right on your deck and what could use some repair­ing. Address­ing these deck issues ear­ly not only makes it safe for your fam­i­ly, but rein­forces its strength just in time for win­ter storms. SEAL-A-DECK can help you get your deck ready for the snow and ice.

Win­ter­iz­ing Your Deck 

Pri­or to that first snow­fall, there are some things that our experts sug­gest you do. The first is to remove any debris and leaves from your deck. Any of these for­eign objects on your deck will cause falling haz­ards as well as increase the load of your deck’s sub­struc­ture. Snow is decep­tive­ly heavy, there­fore it increas­es the weight that your out­door liv­ing space must sup­port. After remov­ing the debris, a pres­sure wash will sure­ly get your deck in its best con­di­tion to weath­er any win­ter storm. Remov­ing excess grime and dirt with a pow­er­wash will mean that your wood can be in top con­di­tion. You should also con­sid­er get­ting a wood treat­ment with a sealant in order to pre­serve its cur­rent con­di­tion through­out the snow. We also advise our clients to either store their out­door fur­ni­ture or at least group them togeth­er and tie them down in order to keep them safe. Anoth­er step often over­looked is address­ing any over­hang­ing trees and bush­es near your deck. Get­ting them prop­er­ly trimmed can help save you time and mon­ey in the event they were to fall on your home. SEAL-A-DECK rec­om­mends tak­ing these win­ter­iz­ing steps seri­ous­ly in order to rein­force your deck’s abil­i­ty to make it through a rough winter.

Get a Snow Plan

Once the snow­storms begin, there will be tasks you have to do to main­tain your deck through­out the win­ter. Remov­ing snow when it gets to a foot deep is the sug­gest­ed best prac­tice. Use a plas­tic-edged shov­el when you do so because a met­al shov­el can dam­age your deck if it’s jabbed into the wood. You can also use a deicer, and we advise that cus­tomers with wood­en decks and fur­ni­ture only use a pet-friend­ly option. Oth­er deicers can be too harsh for wood. If you need help car­ing for your deck once the snow begins, our crew would be glad to help.

Expert Deck Care

We know that your new home is an impor­tant invest­ment that takes effort to main­tain. SEAL-A-DECK wants to assist you in man­ag­ing those out­door liv­ing spaces year-round. Give us a call today at 877-SEALADECK to get more infor­ma­tion on our main­te­nance plan or any oth­er deck­ing needs. 


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