Halloween Deck Safety

Halloween is one of the most ostentatiously decorated holidays of the calendar. From witches and skeletons to pumpkins and spiderwebs, there is no limit to American ingenuity when it comes to turning our front porches into deliciously frightening haunted houses on All Hallow’s Eve. With all of those decorations, it’s very easy for things to get out of hand. We’ve put together some important safety measures to consider so your haunted house remains pretend-scary and not real-scary this year.

Walkway Safety

Everyone from grade school trick-or-treaters to moms with babies in strollers is going to be stepping on your front walkway, so it’s important to keep it safe for them. The biggest risk is a walkway that is poorly lit. In lieu of one big spotlight, why not try some of these ideas for lighting your front walk:

Pumpkin head jack o lantern with lights
Pumpkin head jack o lantern with lights

Haunted Decoration Safety

What’s Halloween without a few choice front porch decorations? It’s easy to get carried away with the most frightening front porch in the entire neighborhood. Keep in mind, these displays often require taking up the entire front porch (and the front of the house). As such, there are safety concerns that need to be kept in mind.

With a little advance safety preparation, there’s no need for real worry when you should be scared. Make sure to take pictures and have plenty of candy!


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