5 Winter Care Tips

1. Remove Mats

After rain or snow, remove mats and allow them to dry completely before replacing. The moisture trapped beneath them can lead to mildew and rotting.

2. Shovel Smart

Use plastic on your deck, and be sure to shovel along the length of the deck to avoid hitting boards. Metal tipped shovels can scrape away sealer and can scratch and damage the surface.

3. Avoid Salt

Avoid using rock salt to melt ice. It may seem like a great idea, but rock salt can eat away at sealer and damage the deck. Instead, try using pet friendly ice melt.

4. Protect Spring Furniture

Remove deck furniture. It’s too cold to sit out and enjoy the scenery, so why not store furniture in a garage or basement? Leaving furniture on the deck can allow moisture to trap underneath and cause mildew. The harsh winter weather can also damage furniture, so it is much safer indoors!

5. Wooden Furniture

If storing teak and wooden furniture is not an option, cover it with a breathable outdoor cover. Avoid using a tarp, as it traps moisture. We like Tyvek outdoor breathable covers.


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